The Village of Versailles Street Department contains the largest number of full-time employees and the largest collection of equipment within the Village. Street Department tasks include, but are not limited to, the following tasks:
- *Repair and maintenance for all Village streets, roadways, alleys, and Village owned-parking lots
- *Repair and maintenance for the water distribution, sanitary sewer collection, and storm sewer systems
- *Perform quarterly water meter readings
- *Maintenance, mowing, and repairs for both Ward Park and Indian Creek Park along with all municipal buildings and facilities
- *Maintenance and operations for Greenlawn Cemetery
- *Refuse, recycling, and cardboard collection for the entire Village
- *Brush collection and disposal
- *Snow plowing and salt application
- *Numerous other general labor tasks
Street Department equipment includes a mini excavator, two backhoes, skidloader, utility tractors, pick-up trucks, two large single-axle dump trucks/plows, two one-ton dump trucks, street sweeper, vac truck, sewer jet, leaf collection machine, brush chipper, automated garbage/recycling truck, two rear-load garbage trucks, and numerous other smaller pieces of equipment.
Monday-Friday 7:00A -3:30P
Utilities Office - 937-526-3294
Mitch Kremer, Street Foreman - 937-526-3294 x 214
Kyle Francis, Assistant Village Administrator - 937-526-3294 x202
Emergency/After Hours 24 HR - 937-423-0652
**The Street Department Emergency Phone Number is for customers, residents, and/or businesses reporting a water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, street, or park emergency matter such as an outage or disruption of service. This Emergency Phone Number is manned by a Street Dept. employee 24/7, 365 days a year. During a major outage/disruction of service or a severe weather related event, you may not be able to reach someone immediately on this phone number. During such a situation, the Village will utilize its One Call Notification Service to provide information to customers, residents, and businesses.