Refuse Collection

Residential curbside refuse collection is provided on Tuesday and Wednesday’s. Refuse totes should be placed at the curb the night prior or by 5:30 the morning of your regularly scheduled pickup date. Residents are provided either a 35 gallon, 65 gallon, or 95 gallon refuse tote. Larger items that do not fit into the Village refuse tote will require a large item tag which costs $10.00. The large item tag must be purchased prior to the large item pickup. Fees for items requiring the refuse truck driver to exit the vehicle for pickup of items small enough to fit in the tote will be charged a $5.00 in addition to the regular monthly charge.

2-yard ($45.00) and 3-yard ($65.00) rental dumpsters are also available for use. Dumpsters are available on a “first come, first serve” basis. Dumpsters are provided for the convenience of disposing of construction/remodeling project waste and additional volumes of general household clean-up waste materials. Rental dumpsters will be provided for a two week period. The dumpster will be picked up automatically two weeks from delivery date unless requested to be picked up sooner by the applicant. In order to cover the expenses associated with providing this service, a fee of $45.00 (2-yard) or $65.00 (3-yard) will be charged each time the dumpster is dumped during the two week period.


Residential curbside recycling collection is provided on Thursday and Friday’s. Any resident north of the railroad tracks will have their collection on Thursday and residents south of the railroad tracks will have recyclables collected on Friday. Recycling containers are provided by the town and must be set out the night prior or by 5:30 am the morning of collection. Recycling is a free service provided by the Village.

In addition to curbside recycling, the Village accepts cardboard for recycling. The Village has a large cardboard compactor in which Village residents can deposit cardboard material of any size in a large hopper 365 days a year.  The cardboard compactor is located at the Village’s Grand Ave. Municipal Services Facility located at 355 Grand Ave.


Yard Waste

The Village of Versailles will hold yard waste collection EVERY OTHER FRIDAY throughout the grass mowing months beginning usually the 2nd Friday in April, with the last collection scheduled in November. Yard waste consists of grass clippings, plants, flowers, etc.

There is no need to call for this free service, as the yard waste route encompasses the entire Village of Versailles. To participate in this collection, please place your yard waste at your regular collection spot in a container or trash can with a maximum capacity of 35 gallons. Please refrain from using plastic trash bags and barrel-type containers without handles for yard waste collection. Please also refrain from using the Village provided refuse and recycling containers. Yard waste should be in a separate container.

As a reminder, yard waste can also be brought to the Village Yard Waste Pile at 300 Grand Avenue. This pile is to be used only by persons on Village utilities. Acceptable yard waste items include grass clippings, plants, flowers, etc. NON-ACCEPTABLE items include root stumps, batteries, tires, plastic bags, concrete, animal waste, construction material, hazardous waste, infectious waste, and asbestos. For any questions, please contact the Village Offices at 937-526-3294.

Brush Pickup

Brush will be picked up every Friday providing you call the Utilities Office at 937-526-3294 prior to the Friday you want the brush picked up so that your name can be placed on the brush list. Citizens have the ability, and are encouraged, to take large piles of trimmings to the Village yard waste pile near the Village Wastewater Plant at 350 Grand Ave for discarding.

“Brush” is larger limbs that are put through the chipper, not to be confused with yard waste. If the Utilities Office is not contacted, there is no guarantee that your brush will be picked up. Any brush and or limb pile larger than a normal pick up load (approximately 4’ X 4’ X 6’) will not be picked up and residents will be notified and requested to transport the brush or limbs to the yard waste pile. The Village, by ordinance, has the discretion to request ALL brush and limbs be transported by citizens of the Village. While we will always try to accommodate residents, it is necessary to keep the piles of brush to a reasonable size. We appreciate your cooperation regarding brush and limb pick up services.

Leaf Collection

Regular leaf collection is provided beginning in October through the month of December. Leaf collection routes are as follows:

  • Mondays: All streets south of the Board of Education Building
  • Tuesdays: All streets west of South Center Street
  • Wednesdays: All streets east of South Center Street
  • Thursdays: All streets north of the railroad tracks.

Please do not mix sticks, weeds, or garden foliage in with your leaves. Leaves need to be placed in the street along the curb for pick up. Please do not put leaves in plastic bags. Also, residents are asked to refrain from parking on the street on your scheduled collection day. Start and end dates for regular curbside leaf collection will be provided with utility bills and the Versailles Policy.

Snow Removal

The Village of Versailles Public Works Department works hard to maintain safe driving conditions during a winter snow storm. Here are some helpful guidelines for residents in case of snow accumulation:

  • At the onset of a snowstorm, salt is applied to streets to prevent icing.
  • Once plowing of snow has begun, several passes will be made on each street to provide curb to curb clearing.
  • Depending on the duration of a storm and the amount of snow fall, it may be necessary to repeat the plowing process several times.
  • When a snowfall stops, it takes the Village of Versailles Public Works Department approximately 4 - 6 hours to complete the snow-removal process town-wide.
  • DO NOT PARK CARS ON THE STREET. (If at all possible during an event). This impedes the snow removal process and causes vehicles to be plowed in.
  • Shovel snow to the right side of your driveway (facing the street) to minimize the amount of snow entering your driveway.
  • Shovel and/or blow snow onto the curb, not into the street.

When a snow removal operation is underway, The Village of Versailles Public Works Department work around the clock to provide the best possible service to the residents of the Village of Versailles. Your assistance during these type of snow events is very much appreciated.

Events Calendar



Spring Clean Up Day

Tue, 04/08/2025 - 7:00am



Council Meeting

Wed, 04/09/2025 - 7:00pm



Yard Waste Collection to Begin

Fri, 04/11/2025 - 7:00am